Plum Blossom, Plum Tree forest, Osaka Castle

Plum Blossom, Plum Tree forest, Osaka Castle
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
More flowers. I like Plum Blossoms.
Turtle Rock! Osaka Castle gardens

Turtle Rock! Osaka Castle gardens
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Birds kept trying to land on this rock... then they would realize mid-air that it is covered in turtles!!!
Osaka Castle through the trees

Osaka Castle through the trees
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
I went to Osaka Castle on Friday the 23rd of March with Julian. I didn't post the pic until now because flickr limited my uploads... then my mom upgraded my account for me. Thanks Mom!
Me in the gardens at Hyakusaiji

Me in the gardens at Hyakusaiji
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Hey Judith, I'm wearing the scarf you made me!!! <3
That's all for now - plenty more where that came from.
Fire festival Matsuri Float

Fire festival Matsuri Float
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
And then, they set the floats on fire. Hotness. It was like a frat party.
Fire festival Matsuri Float

Fire festival Matsuri Float
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Picture drunk Japanese Men yelling "Masemase, Masemase" (turn it turn it, I think) and crashing floats into each other. And then...
Kite Statue outside of the Gym

Kite Statue outside of the Gym
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
I really, really like this picture.
Kiyomizudera gardens

Kiyomizudera gardens
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Must be spectacular when all the blossoms are out.
So on Saturday we had a goodbye party for Velika, Brad and Avery. Yakiniku and Karaoke, hooray!
Then, Sunday I went to Omihachiman to hang out with some JETs - we went to a Punk concert at a combination club-recording studio near Omihachiman station. It was pretty interesting, entertaining at least. Came with a drink. The Third band was the best, but of course I don't remember their band name. Their guitarists were really good.
After the concert we headed over to the Fire Festival matsuri. They make floats, get drunk, crash the floats into each other and then light them on fire. It was pretty spectacular. Talking to drunk people is only so entertaining for so long, so I left somewhat early.
In other news, I joined the JET soccer team. Our first game is on Saturday against two high school boy's teams. I think we are going to lose horribly, but maybe we will have some fun. Or die! Hahaha
I'll post some new pics. I'm going to join the Gym too, but I need some "indoor shoes" first.
Cherry Blossoms, Kongourinji Temple

Cherry Blossoms, Kongourinji Temple
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
More cherry blossoms. My camera takes nice closeups - I am happy.
Cherry Blossoms, Kongourinji Temple

Cherry Blossoms, Kongourinji Temple
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Early cherry blossoms. I think they are cherry blossoms, anyway. I can't wait until they bloom in force - I will go to kyoto and be dazzled.
Plum Blossom outside of Hyakusaiji Temple

Plum Blossom outside of Hyakusaiji Temple
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
I like taking pictures of flowers.
Plum Blossom at Hyakusaiji Temple

Plum Blossom at Hyakusaiji Temple
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Hooray, my camera can do close ups!
Today we went to three different temples... I have many pictures. I think I will do this one in installments so as not to overwhelm the reader. It was a pretty good day though. I saw two monkeys! (goodness is measured in monkey units now).
I have been feeling better; maybe I'm finally over this cold. I have heard that it is flu season, and I am sure that the flu here is no joke either. I am going to be very careful so as not to catch it. Like I can help it really, I work with little kids...
So Friday was my first payday - cha-ching!!! I got my biggest paycheck that I've ever received in my short life. Then I promptly went out to a bar with my boss to celebrate and spend some of it. It was a nice place, and convenient (within stumbling distance of the apartment). It was cool because I got a chance to talk to her without interruption for once - she is very busy, what with the kids and business and all.
Work has been going great. This week is camera week, which means the camera in my classroom is turned on so the mothers can see the classes. It has been going very well so far. I have 3 more days. At first, I was nervous about camera day, but then I just ignore the camera and do what I usually do. One kid was being really naughty this week - drawing on other people's papers, even after I told him not to - so I didn't give him a sticker. Which is a big deal for them. They love the stickers!
Today I also learned where the gym is in relation to known landmarks. It is far, but the bike ride there can be my warm-up. It isn't much of a fee to go, either. Maybe I'll go on Monday morning. I wish I knew the hours. I need to buy "indoor" shoes to work out in. Maybe I'll buy some in Kyoto tomorrow, if I end up going. It is supposed to rain, so maybe not. Now that I feel better, I want to go exploring!
The station at Nagahama

The station at Nagahama
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
The station at Nagahama is really, really nice. I managed to get the last train at Maibara to get back to Youkaichi. Hooray!
Japanese Beef

Japanese Beef
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Hooray! Meat as a present!!! See, beef does exist in Japan.
And it was delicious, too.
interesting building

interesting building
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Nagahama - building near the shopping area. It was blocked off, but I was able to get a picture anyway.
Old-time train

Old-time train
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
On my trip to Nagahama, an old-fashioned train was being showcased on the same line I was on. So all the train otaku were out in force!
Nagahama courtyard

Nagahama courtyard
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
This is the same courtyard. I was up in Nagahama two weekends ago meeting some new friends who are ALTs for the Jet Programme. I met them through our mutual friend back in the United States.
Little boy playing with birds

Little boy playing with birds
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
This picture opportunity was too cute to pass up. In a courtyard in Nagahama, a man was feeding the birds so they started to gather - and the little boy was having a ball running into the middle of the flock.