
What! It's mid-June already?!

Wow, I am bad at keeping this up... So much has been going on, I think a list is in order to cover all that has happened since the last entry. And Pictures! Oh the pictures I have...

  • Golden week: One of three or so weeks I get off from work a year. Most of it I spent cleaning my house, but I did manage to get to Kyoto and see Kinkakuji and Ryoanji as well as visit my friend Mike.We also went to Hino to look at sparse Rhododendrons and to witness the ceremonies of the Hino Matsuri. There was also the Yasuda family barbecue!
  • Higashi Oumi Kite Festival: Spectacular event that took place in the riverbed in Yokaichi - all kinds of kites, ranging from small storebought ones to a GIANT handmade one. Pictures incoming!
  • Omihachiman: went to see 300! It was fantastic. I've been recommending it to all of my adult students.
  • My fake wedding: One of my students asked me to model some dresses for the Yokaichi Royal Hotel Wedding house. It was fun! Julian and I got to act out a typical wedding reception. I got to set off fireworks and dress up in pretty dresses and they did my makeup and my hair. We also got free cake and party favors!
Other than that, I have been working and chilling out with Julian and Rachel. We have made a few new friends - mostly from going to Feel, which is convenient.

My students are doing well - some of them are moving up to a new book and I have a few new students going into my 2 and 3 year old classes. My problem classes have found a happy medium (I make them sit at the big table now).

It is the rainy season, and I can see why people warned me about the kabi (mildew). Futons are high maintenance during rainy season; I really hope to buy a bed soon. I also planted my flower seeds, but only the morning glories are up - and they have mildew on them, so I need to trim and spray them. Bleh! Air quality is not so good, either. I might buy an air purifier soon.

I WILL maintain this more now... I've been a bum. It is easy to be a bum.


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