Orchid Gardens Entrance

Orchid Gardens Entrance
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
The Orchid Gardens we went to in Nagoya. I liked Nagoya, but I didn't get to see much of it.
Handmade Gyoza!! MY GYOZA ARMY!

Handmade Gyoza!! MY GYOZA ARMY!
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
From Gyoza party at Hideko's House (my student)
Margaret at Marguerite Station (It's my station, yo!)

Margaret at Marguerite Station (It's my station, yo!)
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Sadako and Yoshikane brought me to Marguerite Station on a Saturday morning. It was fun, except for the rain. On nice days they let you pick your own flowers. They have like a farmer's market, and crafts and stuff you can do inside. I made a bookmark out of dried flowers!!! Good times.
Spider on the fence at work! Eep!

Spider on the fence at work! Eep!
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Japan: The land of gigantic and fast-moving spiders.
The things you find at Japanese Wal-mart

The things you find at Japanese Wal-mart
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Funny Shirt! A little expensive, though.
Hino Matsuri Float

Hino Matsuri Float
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Nothing like a bunch of drunk guys carrying heavy stuff. Apparently they never drop them though, impressive.
Hino Mountains

Hino Mountains
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
The Mountains at Hino. We went to go look at flowers, but the blooms were disappointing this year.
Higashi Omi Kite Festival - Our drunken friends' kite

Higashi Omi Kite Festival - Our drunken friends' kite
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Our friends made this one. And by friends, I mean random people who knew Taka and gave us free alcohol. "MANGO!!!" "PEACH!!!" "PINEAPPLE!"
Kite Festival Big kite part 7

Kite Festival Big kite part 7
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
All Kites, even big ones, end up in trees.
Rachel and I at Kite Festival

Rachel and I at Kite Festival
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
A beautiful day at the Kite Festival (May 25)
Forest at Ryoanji

Forest at Ryoanji
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
It was raining earlier when we were at Kinkakuji but then it got really nice by the time we arrived at Ryoanji. I bought some weird salt-tea from this lady at Ryoanji. Very... interesting.

Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Finally I'm getting around to posting about Kinkakuji. 4 months later. Yes.
Wow, I am bad at keeping this up... So much has been going on, I think a list is in order to cover all that has happened since the last entry. And Pictures! Oh the pictures I have...
- Golden week: One of three or so weeks I get off from work a year. Most of it I spent cleaning my house, but I did manage to get to Kyoto and see Kinkakuji and Ryoanji as well as visit my friend Mike.We also went to Hino to look at sparse Rhododendrons and to witness the ceremonies of the Hino Matsuri. There was also the Yasuda family barbecue!
- Higashi Oumi Kite Festival: Spectacular event that took place in the riverbed in Yokaichi - all kinds of kites, ranging from small storebought ones to a GIANT handmade one. Pictures incoming!
- Omihachiman: went to see 300! It was fantastic. I've been recommending it to all of my adult students.
- My fake wedding: One of my students asked me to model some dresses for the Yokaichi Royal Hotel Wedding house. It was fun! Julian and I got to act out a typical wedding reception. I got to set off fireworks and dress up in pretty dresses and they did my makeup and my hair. We also got free cake and party favors!
My students are doing well - some of them are moving up to a new book and I have a few new students going into my 2 and 3 year old classes. My problem classes have found a happy medium (I make them sit at the big table now).
It is the rainy season, and I can see why people warned me about the kabi (mildew). Futons are high maintenance during rainy season; I really hope to buy a bed soon. I also planted my flower seeds, but only the morning glories are up - and they have mildew on them, so I need to trim and spray them. Bleh! Air quality is not so good, either. I might buy an air purifier soon.
I WILL maintain this more now... I've been a bum. It is easy to be a bum.
Me at Feel with Dragon

Me at Feel with Dragon
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
This is me and a Dragon. It kind of tastes like peaches... I don't know what's in it. I don't think I've mentioned Feel before... it's a local bar stumbling distance from our house. While it is pretty pricey, they have good cocktails and they also serve Tempura Ice cream, which happens to be my favorite dessert.
Rachel at Feel with Jungle Fun Tummy

Rachel at Feel with Jungle Fun Tummy
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
JUNGLE FUN TUMMY, a feel specialty drink! (Sorry about the Red-eye, sad as it is I don't have a program to remove it. Damn you and your large pupils Rachel!)
Some kind of Rangers in Omihachiman mall

Some kind of Rangers in Omihachiman mall
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
While on our quest to find the Hyaku-en store in Omihachiman (which is massive, by the way), we happened to see a photo-op with some sort of Ranger group (Apa maybe? I don't know... I'm not hip like my students). I kind of wanted to have my picture taken with them too, but then I figured that would be weird and decided against it... To my regret. :(
Our pet bottle furniture

Our pet bottle furniture
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
This is what happens when you miss Pet Bottle day 2 times in a row... An entire corner of our kitchen was dedicated to plastic bottle storage. One night, while bored (and possibly running out of oxygen), we made a table.
Time is passing quite fast now - I've been busy. I probably sleep too much, and I should work on getting up earlier. Work has been only okay... I lost 2 students to another school, because one of their aunts started an English school and it needs students so they switched to that school. I was sad, they were really good kids. Also, 2 other students went over to Rachel's classes because of bullies in my classes. I am pretty good at keeping that kind of behavior under control, but I guess it had been going on for a while, and there's not too much I can do aside from telling them to stop/taking away their sticker (which I've done 4 times total). I am a pretty strict teacher in general.
The weather hasn't been that great, and I depend on the weather being okay for me to go anywhere on my bike. On Saturday, Rachel and I went to Kyoto for the day, and had a blast. We went to Kinkakuji and Ryoanji, and then some shopping. Then, we met up with my friend Mike and had dinner and hung out for a bit before catching the 2nd to last train home. It was a pretty good time! I took some decent pictures - I will post them when I have more time. I need to go to bed in a timely manner, as I'm having lunch with Angie and a student tomorrow.
Today the Yasuda family had their yearly Golden Week barbecue - I ate SO MUCH FOOD. It's not even funny. My digestive system is completely full. I don't know if I'll even be able to eat tomorrow, I feel like I'm set for a week.
I have all next week off! I will spend time cleaning my house and finally doing something about my unruly plants in the yard. Angie said if I don't attend to them, they WILL overtake the house and consume it slowly like a venus flytrap. Okay, she didn't go that far, but she said I should attend to it or they get out of control. It's bordering on that already. I need to get some gardening gloves I think. I am not going to plant flowers in the ground though - it's too rocky, besides, sometimes people park and turn around in my yard. That won't go over too well I think.
I'll take pictures when I'm done cleaning/gardening so that people can finally see the inside of the house. It's not pretty, but it's habitable. I wish I could paint the walls. I'll ask Angie if I can or not, I don't know what the lease says about that. That will be quite an undertaking.
Hanami at the Park near Yokaichi station

Hanami at the Park near Yokaichi station
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Other people enjoying the cherry blossoms.
My Peep Army

My Peep Army
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Go forth, my marshmallow minions!
I think I will have nightmares about peeps. So many... peeps... This is only one day's worth, think this times 5.
My kids and I have been dying eggs in all my classes, all week long. It's fun for about the first day, for me anyway... But the kids enjoy it, so I pretend to enjoy it with them. My mom sent an entire box of peeps, so all the kids get one.
My new classes are going well. I got paid again, so I have money to go out (I was down to my last 2000 yen - I need to learn how to budget!). Last Friday, Taka, Julian, Rachel and I went to Satsuma which is owned by one of my student's parents. It was a fun time, and the food was really, REALLY yummy. So far we've also been to Umiza (sushi place) and the Ramen place by the station. The ramen lived up to my hype, according to them. Best ramen I've ever had anyway.
We also had a special Easter Hanami Party with the Yasuda family. I've included the good pictures I've taken.
Here's some more pics from recent days. I can post more often, but I find day-to-day stuff a little monotonous. I'll try to find fresh stuff to write about.
Tree from Hanami in Kyoto

Tree from Hanami in Kyoto
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
I didn't actually take this picture. My camera died on me... way to charge it, geez!
More hanami pics later.
Hanami in Kyoto, Rachel and I in front of Gion Tree

Hanami in Kyoto, Rachel and I in front of Gion Tree
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
In other news... Yoshikane and Sadako took us to Kyoto to look at Cherry Blossoms. It was an eventful day!
Osaka Castle

Osaka Castle
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
This is nice, but the elevator shaft is in it. Oh well. Julian and I hung around here for a bit, had some takoyaki that was way way too hot. And I bought some postcards that I haven't had a chance to sit down and write out yet. I'll do it! Someday!
Plum Blossom, Plum Tree forest, Osaka Castle

Plum Blossom, Plum Tree forest, Osaka Castle
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
More flowers. I like Plum Blossoms.
Turtle Rock! Osaka Castle gardens

Turtle Rock! Osaka Castle gardens
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Birds kept trying to land on this rock... then they would realize mid-air that it is covered in turtles!!!
Osaka Castle through the trees

Osaka Castle through the trees
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
I went to Osaka Castle on Friday the 23rd of March with Julian. I didn't post the pic until now because flickr limited my uploads... then my mom upgraded my account for me. Thanks Mom!
Me in the gardens at Hyakusaiji

Me in the gardens at Hyakusaiji
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Hey Judith, I'm wearing the scarf you made me!!! <3
That's all for now - plenty more where that came from.
Fire festival Matsuri Float

Fire festival Matsuri Float
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
And then, they set the floats on fire. Hotness. It was like a frat party.
Fire festival Matsuri Float

Fire festival Matsuri Float
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Picture drunk Japanese Men yelling "Masemase, Masemase" (turn it turn it, I think) and crashing floats into each other. And then...
Kite Statue outside of the Gym

Kite Statue outside of the Gym
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
I really, really like this picture.
Kiyomizudera gardens

Kiyomizudera gardens
Originally uploaded by atomicsour.
Must be spectacular when all the blossoms are out.
So on Saturday we had a goodbye party for Velika, Brad and Avery. Yakiniku and Karaoke, hooray!
Then, Sunday I went to Omihachiman to hang out with some JETs - we went to a Punk concert at a combination club-recording studio near Omihachiman station. It was pretty interesting, entertaining at least. Came with a drink. The Third band was the best, but of course I don't remember their band name. Their guitarists were really good.
After the concert we headed over to the Fire Festival matsuri. They make floats, get drunk, crash the floats into each other and then light them on fire. It was pretty spectacular. Talking to drunk people is only so entertaining for so long, so I left somewhat early.
In other news, I joined the JET soccer team. Our first game is on Saturday against two high school boy's teams. I think we are going to lose horribly, but maybe we will have some fun. Or die! Hahaha
I'll post some new pics. I'm going to join the Gym too, but I need some "indoor shoes" first.