
Computer Broke - All is well in Japan

Well - I'm here. I've been here for a while, since January 22nd - my computer broke right before I left for Japan, and it's not fixed yet, so it is still in America.

So, let me recap:

  • I arrived at Narita Airport on January 22nd and spent some time with my Host family and friends in Higashi Funabashi. I also stopped by the IES Center in Makuhari to say hi to Shin-san and some of my other friends at IES from when I was there with my homestay program.
  • on the 25th of January I went down to Maibara via the Shinkansen Hikari. I LOVED the shinkansen. I'm a big shinkansen fan now - even though it was expensive, it was really cool. I got to see Mt Fuji through the window - with snow on it this time! After I reached Maibara, I went to Yokaichi station via Omi Line. Omi line was pretty small - I don't think it is owned by JR. But at one point it took us through this bamboo forest and then through a tunnel - when we came out the other side, we were on a plain surrounded by mountains. It was beautiful...
  • I stayed and trained with Angie for a week, then I started teaching my own classes February 1st. My schedule is very nice - I only have one class before 11, and that is only one day a week. On mondays, I only have two classes. The hardest classes for me to teach are the classes with children aged 2-3, because how well the class goes depends on how they feel that day - like if they need a nap or something. Also the class with 14 adults that I teach at the local center for commerce and industry (Shoukokaigishou) is kind of hard. Teaching 7-10 year olds seems to be the best/easiest for me.
  • I also moved into my apartment on February 1st, which I like very much. More details on that later.
  • So my life here is good and simple. I take my bike to work, it takes me about 7 minutes to get there. I teach and plan lessons. Most of my free time is spent hanging out with Velika or Angie. I also sleep a lot, maybe more than I should. I can get to the grocery store on my bike in about 20 minutes. The weather here is mild, unless it is windy or raining. So far, it has only snowed once, and it
So I'm thinking, once my computer arrives, I'll be able to update with more frequency - with pictures. I'll go in installments or something until I'm all caught up. Sorry for the delay, everyone!

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