
An update - EFY Interview, Kensington

My EFY interview was rescheduled to this Tuesday at 11pm. It's a webcam interview - my first. And I'm pretty sure my interviewer this time is Japanese, so... I'm taking a half day off of work to prepare/relax.

I heard back from Kensington, after sending an email. They said that my application was still favorable, but that they wouldn't be able to reach a decision until around November, and that I should start looking elsewhere, so I wouldn't be waiting around.

I also received an Email from Michigan English school, with three or four questions. I answered the email - and then didn't hear from them again. It has only been a couple days, though, so I'll keep an eye out for them.

Wish me luck on the EFY Interview, anyhow. Starting to lose a little steam on the job search, but that's okay. I have to keep trying! That's what you have to do when you care about something, is keep trying until it works.


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